THE FIRST office for ESN KOSICE!!!
ESN (Erasmus Student Network) Košice received place for office 1 December 2014 in the dormitories at the Medická street 6, finally after being 5 years on the ESN scene. Many thanks to University of P.J.Safarik!
The keys of new office gave Mr. Rector prof. MD. L. Mirossay, MD. and Mrs. Vice-Rector for International Relations Doc. Mgr. S. Tomaščíková, PhD. to hands of President ESN Košice Andrea Hanáková and local Representative for Kosice Patrícia Mihaliková.
Foreign students now have a decent place to meet and implement their activities. Symbolic surrender the premises was also attended by Chancellor UPJŠ Mgr. A. Sabolová and Mgr. J. Oleničová.
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