On Sunday, 26 th February, we ESN KE organized Ice Skating event in Crow Arena in our beloved Košice. We already had experienced this event several times in the past. As it gained really big succes, so we decided for organising it once again. We all met in front of the arena about 3pm. Then we bought tickets, lent ice skates and enjoyed fresh ice. A lot of Erasmus students did nice performance, even they stood on ice for the first time. Everybody was satisfied with this activity and the most importat was, that nobody injured himself or herself. We really liked the atmosphere and in the end, we took group photo together in the middle of the ice stadium. Then we said goodbye to each other and splited up with great mood. Little bit tired and exhausted but with big smiles on our faces.
Benjamin Joly from France sayed to us: It was a really good as a first experience for me. ESN members were very nice with us, and it's very easy and cheap to rent skate. To conclude I will come in the next Ice-skating event!
Authors: ESN KE: Rasťo Garaj
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