Slovak Christmas goodbye dinner for Erasmus students & Goodbye party

The second week of December became a goodbye week for Erasmus students in Košice for witner term 2014. Even if many of them will come back for exams in January and many of them will stay for the second term, ESN Košice wanted to organise Christmas goodbye events for them as every year and say goobye before they will leave back to their countries as it is a tradition.

Erasmus students from all of Košice’s universities gathered with ESN Košice members at canteen of Medická 4 dormitory for goodbye Christmas dinner on 11th December 2014.This dinner was a part of Goodbye week´s plan. The event was opened by introductory speech of ESN‘s Košice president. Slovak Christmas traditions were presented by Mirka Hroncová.

Traditional sour cabbage soup called ,,kapustnica“ and fried fish with cooked potatoes were served for Christmas dinner. The dinner was supported by the universities in Košice as a Christmas gift to all Erasmus students. Thank you very much Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Technical University, University of Veterinary medicine and Pharmacy, the dinner was delicious. Students enjoyed the cabbage soup the most and especially many Spanish students were happy to eat they favourite meal – fish after 3months living a dormitory life with no fish :) 

After dinner a special programme was prepared for ERASMUS students. They had an opportunity to taste and to try decorating traditional Slovak Christmas gingerbread cookies. The pan was to decorate it and give it as a gift to each other, however they were too attracted by nice smell so they ate it all. Students really enjoyed it and got very creative. Erasmus students also had a chance to listen to the typical Slovak Christmas songs during the dinner and gingerbread decorating. This altogether created a great Christmas atmosphere.

The next programme was to visit new ESN Košice´s office on Medická 6 where ESN Košice welcomed Erasmus students for the first time this term as it is a brand new office, thanks to the UPJŠ. Erasmus students could leave some nice messages-memories for ESN Košice from their winter term in Košice and believe us,  almost no piece of paper was left empty. Afterparty was held in favourite Collosseum club.

Altogether there were 71 Erasmus students and 11 ESN Košice members from all three unviersities. The aim of the event was to get Erasmus students from all over Europe closer to the Slovak Christmas traditions and to get them a chance to taste traidtional Slovak Christmas meal. It was also the first part of closing of the term by ESN Košice. Second part was held the other day, on Friday as a Goodbye party.

Message from Carlos Miguel González Lara after Goodbye dinner: Veselé Vianoce! hahaha... Fantastic! 

Friday´s goodbye party started in the goodbye party bus, which collected  Erasmus students from  all dorms: firstly UVLF, then from UPJŠ and then TUKE. Altogether in the bus with a good music we enjoyed the one hour ride around the city. We welcomed also 3 Erasmus student from Bratislava who joined us for the party!

Midnight brought  Alberto (UPJŠ) five minutes of glory as a brithday boy, so whole bus was singing happy birthday. So sweeet! :)

It was very nice to see Erasmus students from three different dormitories and universities mixed together as they belonged just to one.  We are very proud of the fact that ESN Košice helped all of Erasmus students and new ESN members to get to know each other and we are looking forward to enjoy summer term with our lovely and crazy Erasmus people :)

Merry Christmas

Authors: Miroslava Hroncová, ESN Košice active member; Andrea Hanáková, ESN Košice president.


Slovenská rozlúčková vianočná večera pre Erasmus študentov

Ukončenie zimného semestra sa v ESN Košice tradične nieslo v znamení rozlúčkového týždňa plného zaujímavých podujatí, organizovaných pre ERASMUS študentov. Zlatým klincom rozlúčkového týždňa bola slávnostná vianočná rozlúčková večera, ktorá sa konala dňa 11.12.2014.

Erasmus študenti zo všetkých troch košických univerzít sa spolu s členmi ESN Košice zišli v jedálni  UPJŠ na internátoch Medická 4. Po úvodnom príhovore Andrei Hanákovej, prezidentky ESN Košice, nasledovala prezentácia o vianočných tradíciách a zvykoch na Slovensku.

Na večeru sa podávala tradičná slovenská kapustnica s klobáskou a ako hlavný chod vyprážané rybie filé s varenými zemiakmi. Každá univerzita zasponzorovala túto večeru pre svojich Erasmus študentov ako vianočný darček. Ďakujeme veľmi pekne za podporu Univerzite Pavla Jozefa Šafárika, Technickej univerzite a Univerzite Veterinárneho lekárstva a Farmácie. Študentom večera veľmi chutila, pochvaľovali si najmä kapustnicu, ktorú nikdy predtým ešte nejedli.

Po večeri mali Erasmus študenti možnosť vyskúšať si zdobenie tradičných vianočných medovníkov. Medovníky, ktoré študenti ozdobili, mohli hneď ochutnať alebo venovať ako vlastnoručne zhotovený originálny darček. Väčšinu študentov však lákalo ochutnať voňavé medovníky, preto boli hned' všetky zjedené. Medovníky spolu s polevou na ich zdobenie pripravila Mirka Hroncová. Počas večere a zdobenia medovníkov študentom hrali slovenské vianočné koledy, ktoré vytvorili príjemnú vianočnú atmosféru spolu s vianočnými dekoráciami pripravenými p. Adamčikovou z jedálne UPJŠ na Medickej 4.

Po zdobení medovníkov Erasmus študenti navštívili po prvý krát novú kanceláriu ESN Košice na Medickej 6, kde mali možnosť napísať spomienkový odkaz pre ESN Košice. Ani jeden kus pripraveného papiera na odkazy nezostal prázdny, čomu sa ESN Košice veľmi teší. Slávnostný vianočný večer sa uzavrel voľnou zábavou na afterparty v obľúbenom Collosseum clube. 

Vianočnej večere sa zúčastnilo spolu 71 Erasmus študentov a 11 ESN Košice členov zo všetkých troch univerzít. Cieľom podujatia bolo slávnostne uzavrieť zimný semester, priblížiť študentom slovenské tradície počas Vianoc a dať im možnosť ochutnať tradičnú slovenskú vianočnú večeru.

Autorky: Mirka Hroncová, Andrea Hanáková