STORY project with Annie
On 10-12 September 2014 our SocialErasmus coordinator Anna Beňová attended the final conference in Brussels connected with training of STORY (Strengthening the Training Opportunities for InteRnational Youth) project. During the training on 11 September the STORY participants discussed the imporance of doing research and tried to find a way to make them more effective. They also learnt the difference between soft-skills and hard-skills and discussed the most important information to be put in a CV. The last part of the training was getting a bit more familiar with the platform and together they came up with several ideas how to disseminate the project on both national and local level. The aim of the STORY project is to improve the accessibility and quality of international internships and to increase the awareness regarding the existence of such opportunities for students across Europe. At the STORY Final Conference the results of the one year research study on recognition of mobility for study and training had been presented. One of the main projects of the STORY project was the Erasmusintern platform. The is a platform where Trainees and Traineeships meet.
Anna Beňová, ESN Košice local SocialErasmus coordinator
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