Central European Platform KOSICE
During the 10- 13th of October 2013, National board of Erasmus Student Network Slovakia (ESN Slovakia) organised one of the great international events of ESN in cooperation with ESN Kosice in Hotel Centrum. Amazing OC led by Julia Marcincinova, ESN Slovakia president and Evka Dankova, ESN Slovakia fundraiser prepared 4 days full of frutifull plenaries, discussions, workshops led by wonderful chairing team Adam Farnik, Mateusz Hilgner, Magdalena Zurowska.
Altogether 150 ESNers from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria, Lithuania, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia and Poland participated in this international ESN event. First point of the programme on Thursday was a City Rally, game, during which participants had chance to observe city centre from different point of view, not just as typical tourists. The evening was dedicated to Slovak traditions. Participants were welcomed by bread with salt from lovely ESN Kosice team dressed in traditional Slovak folk costumes. Later, the folk dance group Hornad prepared amazing performance after which all participants were invited to join them and learn a few basic steps. Therefore ESNers became the folk dancers for an hour and they were doing really well! The whole night carried the spirit of Slovak traditions.
Next three days (Friday - Sunday) were full of plenaries, workshops and presentations of particular ESN sections. Participants were working very hard during these three days, as they had many discussions and issues to solve and debate. Friday was the day of productive workshops led by experienced ESN members to help other members improve they work with Erasmus students and work with other section members as well. Workshops themes were: Working with every single team member of the section (Silke Doppler, Alen Zokovic), Conflict management (Stanislav Stanek), Cooperation between
university and ESN section (Dorottya Glatz), Efficient communication tools (Robert Banet), How to motivate Exchange students to participate in ESN events (Ania Burtan), Motivation and integration of new section members (Lukas Oppermann), Recruitment (Vojta Talasek).
Eurodinner, famous ESN event took place on Friday in Kulturpark This evening was once again very successful thanks to members from each country, who prepared their traditional meals. Famous ESN/International ball vol.II took place on Saturday, the last night, in hotel Centrum. Not only 150 ellegantly dressed ESNers were enjoying the ball, but especially 19 Erasmus students from University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy joined the ball as well and were having fun till the morning.
CEP Kosice was very successful event both for ESN Slovakia and ESN sections from Central Europe. ESN Kosice was proud to be the host section for this amazing event and great ESN people.
Andrea Hanakova, ESN Kosice vice-president
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