Welcome week! SEP 2013
23.9. – 29.9. ESN Košice organised welcome week during which various events were prepared for new incoming Erasmus students. Majority of new incoming Erasmus students from Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Technical University and University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy participated at the welcome week.
Started on Monday when the info welcome meeting took place at Technical University. Erasmus students at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University had their info meeting already on 16.9.2013 due to early start of semester. Erasmus students were welcomed at universities by coordinators and also by ESN Košice members and had chance to buy special welcome pack (ESN card, O2 sim card, discount tickets from New Yorker, survival guide, maps and some little gifts). Tuesday was the day of the table football tournament during which Erasmus students were divided into different groups so they got the first real chance to integrate with Erasmus from other universities. We had such a great time altogether. The lucky winner was ESN member Peter, for whom it was his birthday as well. On Wednesday most of Erasmus students joined Unifest, the university festival which opens the winter term.
The following day, special guided tour de city was prepared for Erasmus students to get to know a little bit Košice, their new „hometown“. Something from the history of our beautiful city told us well-know tour guide Mr. Milan Kolcún and although it was rainy day, we had a great time. On Friday ESN Košice organised welcome grease party. Saturday was a day to relax and prepare for Sunday, the last day of the welcome week. There was a hiking trip to Suchá Belá, Slovak Paradise that everybody enjoyed as well.
author: Mirka Maková, ESN Košice president
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